$179.00 USD

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Healthy & Dynamic Legs

This is an online self-study audio course, consisting of an intro and 21 Feldenkrais exercises for restoring healthy and efficient function of your hips, knees, feet and ankles.

  • You will learn how to free yourself from the pain and stop injuring yourself.
  • Your athletic and artistic performance will reach a new level.
  • You will be able to enjoy healthy, graceful everyday movements including squatting, walking, stairs climbing, and pivoting.

About the teacher: 

Marek Wyszynski is the President and Clinical Director of Physical Therapy & Feldenkrais NYC. He is a physical therapist with 30 years of clinical experience, and a Feldenkrais practitioner since 1999. Marek is the Hospital for Special Surgery Rehabilitation Hip Preservation Certified Therapist. He has published articles in medical journals and conducts continuing education courses. Marek is known for his no-nonsense, thought-provoking teaching that bridges the Feldenkrais Method®, modern, evidence-based physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine, mindfulness practices, and the science of habits.



Material offered in this course is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If you have any kind of medical condition, consult your medical practitioner about using this program. Though the exercises  are gentle and should be done slowly and easily, we cannot guarantee their effectiveness. Responsibility for the exercises is necessarily the user's.